Universidad de Palermo Facultad de Ingeniería
Intranet Estudiantes Internacionales
Reuniones Informaciones Inscripción Online Solicitud de Información
CICA 2009
Congreso de Inteligencia Computacional Aplicada (CICA)
The main topics of the Conference were:
• Genetic Algorithms Applications (GA)
• Web Intelligent Browsing (WIB)
• Modelization by concepts
• Industrial and financial applications of Computational Intelligence
The Conference was focused on those successful practices and strategies that may represent a significant advancement in any of the topics mentioned.

Genetic Algorithms Applications (GA):

Genetic algorithms are inspired by Darwin’s theory of natural selection of the species and their performance is based on biological processes. Even though the best results may not be guaranteed by these algorithms, they can be applied in certain cases, such as those where the complexity and combinatoriality of the problems make it impossible for other types of algorithms to work, not only because of the difficulties that pose their application, but also due to the time required to obtain a solution. They are usually applied in the optimization of resources, in some types of classification of data and in the automatic generation of programs. Many areas ―as well as firms― benefit from the use of genetic algorithms such as economy and computer-assisted design, among others.

Web Intelligent Browsing (WIB):

Web browsing has been the subject of multiple research works. Recent studies have shown the importance of applying algorithms instead of extremely detailed deductions to make inferences. This type of methodology belongs to the field of Computational Intelligence. Fuzzy logic has proved to be much more precise than other alternatives when it is used to trace certain issues within a properly adapted browser. Neural networks are usually useful for the reorganization of contents and their alternative presentations, which makes it easier to see certain collections of Web documents. Other techniques are also applied in order to derive concepts and to reorganize and index contents in different ways with the aim of improving the degree of accuracy of the browser, or to simplify web browsing in general. Some other techniques are used to draw inferences, learn about the profile of the user and even to infer his or her next step. But these applications often extend beyond Web search and browsing to the automatic recognition of written texts or sounds, correctors, systems to classify texts, etc.

Modelization by concepts:
It is important to understand the nature and peculiarities of problem solving, particularly when IT tools are used. In this case, it is essential that the “internalization” or internal representation process (called “modelization” in jargon) could be done automatically. Therefore, innovative models such as codelets, which learn by analogy because of a non-deterministic succession of processes and decisions, are developed. These algorithms contribute to signal processing, security and allocation of resources under a series of complex conditions.

Industrial and financial applications of Computational Intelligence:
Computational intelligence contains a dynamic list of strategies and algorithms that may solve problems efficiently in areas where the lack of certainty and information as well as any mistake in the data make it impossible to use traditional alternatives. These solutions emulate experts in regards to their knowledge and expertise. They are useful for financial or market behavior predictions, risk calculation in insurance companies, portfolio management, credit facilities, quality control of low-cost products, industrial design, etc.
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