Doctorado en Diseño

Tesis Aprobadas de Posgrados DC

Tesis Aprobadas de Posgrados DC

Post-Doctorate in Multidisciplinary Design (PMD)

The Faculty of Design and Communication-University of Palermo (UP), creates the Post-Doctoral Program in Multidisciplinary Design (PMD), the first and the only one in Latin America, for to continue promoting regional consolidation of Design, advancing the collaborative construction of knowledge, shaping communities and interdisciplinary networks of Senior researchers and to support their institutional and international academic projection.

The Program brings together Professionals whose are interested in advancing their academic research, with Doctorate degree from the field of project, artistic, humanistic and / or social disciplines, and wish framing their researches into a formal, interdisciplinary, collaborative and international Post-Doctorate.

Design are being install at the top level of academic research in the world. In Latin America, Design firmly progressing in this direction, how can it be seen, in the educational offer growth, academic publications quality, congresses and meetings development on subject, educative institutions recognition, international rankings and training for researchers of Doctorate Studies.

Since its creation, the Faculty of Design and Communication - University of Palermo has promoted, with other world leading institutions, the constitution, consolidation, elevation and projection of Design through innumerable academic and professional initiatives, innovative and disruptive, inclusive and participatory, interdisciplinary and inter-institutional ones. This sustained trajectory supports the creation of the first Post-Doctorate in Design in Latin America of multidisciplinary scope.

The PMD addressed to Professionals with a Doctorate degree from diverse disciplinary fields, whose academic researches dialogues or relates, interacts or links with some of the multiple aspects, questions or themes about the design, the images, the communications or the speeches. The Post-Doctoral candidates can join the individual program, or in a group way, in personal form, or through institutional agreements.

The objective is the Post-Doctoral candidates whose wish develop their academic career initiatives, can develop their activities integrating their teams, lines and research projects into the institutional framework of Faculty of Design and Communication-University of Palermo, for to obtain a formal recognition of Post-Doctoral completion, through postgraduate training certification.

The Post-Doctorate program duration may be one to two years, and it articulates a set of activities (stays, seminars, guided readings, forums, publications, symposia, tutorials, reports and others), that are organized from the Activities Plan proposed by the Candidate with the Post-Doctoral Committee advice and the Director guidance.

Post-Doctorate Committee
The Committee is a collegiate body, who is in charge of the Post-Doctorate Academic Directorate, are conformed by outstanding Professionals with Doctorate degree and / or Researchers that depends of Faculty of Design and Communication (UP) Dean's Office. Its main actions are:

1. To evaluate the Post-Doctoral Candidates presentations and to decide on their Program admission.
2. To appoint the Activities Director (or Coordinators) of each Post-Doctoral Candidate.
3. To supervise the Activity Plan of each Post-Doctoral Participant (actions, progress, fulfillment of objectives, partial reports, final report and others).
4. To evaluate integral fulfillment of the Plan of Activities of each Post-Doctoral Participant, in order to authorize and manage the respective certification (Approval Certificate of Post-Doctorate in Multidisciplinary Design, issued by the Faculty of Design and Communication-University of Palermo).
5. To collaborate with the integration of the activities of the Post-Doctoral Participants, with The Research Program and Development in Design and the Postgraduate Studies in Design of the University of Palermo.
6. To promote the communication and international projection of the results achieved.

Committee Members of the Post-Doctorate in Multidisciplinary Design
The Post-Doctorate Committee is integrated by Active and Honorary members. The active members are responsible for the integral activities of direction and management of the Post-Doctorate. The honorary members support and accompany the Post-Doctorate committee initiatives without being involved in direction and management aspects.

The Active members of the Committee are:
Dra. Karen Avenburg
Dra. Ana Cravino
Dra. Marina Matarrese
Dra. Ivana Mihal
Dra. Laura Vázquez Hutnik
Dra. Laura Zambrini

The Honorary members of the Committee are:
Dra. Gabriela Diaz de Sabates (Columbia College Chicago, USA)
Dra. Terry Irwin (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Dr. Alban Martínez Gueyraud (Universidad Columbia del Paraguay)
Dra. Ana Beatriz Pereira de Andrade (Universidad de San Pablo, Brasil)
Dra. Rita A. C. Ribeiro (Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil)
Dr. Marcelo Sabates (Columbia College Chicago, USA)
Dra. Luz del Carmen Vilchis Esquivel (Universidad Nacional de México)

Guide for Candidates for the Post-Doctorate in Multidisciplinary Design (PMD)
1. The Program have a minimum duration of one year and a maximum of two years. The duration can be modified by the Candidate request and must have the Committee approval.

2. Post-Doctoral candidates can be those Professionals with Doctorate's degree, issued by Argentine and foreign Universities.

3. Those interested in joining to the Program (PMD) must submit the following documentation to the Committee:
a) Brief CV
b) Doctor's Degree certificate or approval proof of the respective Final Thesis.
c) Preliminary proposal of Post-Doctoral research, presentation of the Activity Plan, with an expected results schedule.
d) Proposal (optional), of its link to a Line or Project of the Research and Development Program in Design and / or the Postgraduate Studies in Design of the University of Palermo.
e) Proposal (optional), of an Activities Director for the Program. In this case, to attach CV and acceptance note from the Director.
f) Personal note with the details of motivations and objectives for the incorporation to the Post-Doctoral Program (PMD).
g) Institutional agreement, if appropiate, in which the incorporation to the Post-Doctoral Program is framed.

4. The Committee evaluates the full presentation (background, motivations, activity plan, link to the Research Program and proposed Director) and decides on the incorporation of the Candidate to the Program.

5. The Committee assigns an Activities Director or a Coordinator for the Candidate into the Program.

6. Director, Candidate and Coordinator, if appropriate, finalize the Activity Plan and present it to the Post-Doctoral Committee for final approval.


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