International webinar: BRANDS AND NEUROSCIENCE

El webinar BRANDS AND NEUROSCIENCE explora el "por qué" detrás del comportamiento del consumidor. Este seminario intensivo brinda las habilidades para pensar en el futuro de las marcas y sus competidores. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de aprender sobre los procesos cerebrales básicos que influyen en elección del consumidor. Se analizará cómo predecir la efectividad de la marca mediante el uso de métodos no invasivos para medir y mapear la actividad cerebral, y cómo combinar los avances científicos y las estrategias de marketing.
Date: Friday, October 30
Time: 12 am (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
What if you could get inside the mind of your customer? What if you could see the effects of advertisement exposure on the brain’s neural activity? What if you could learn how and what your customers feel? It’s undeniable that the most pertinent business question has been, and still is, what drives consumers to choose one brand over another. In the past 20 years, marketers have experienced a growing interest in the use of neuroscience techniques for the analysis of brain responses to different commercial stimuli.
BRANDS AND NEUROSCIENCE webinar explores the “why” behind consumer behavior. This intensive webinar is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the future of brands and cut-throat competition. You will have an opportunity to learn about the basic brain processes in consumer choice, the importance of predicting the effectiveness of brand meanings by using non-invasive methods for measuring and mapping brain activity, and how to blend medical knowledge with marketing savvy.
Bartolomeo Rafael Bialas will discuss fundamental principles of neuroscience, neuromarketing, consumer psychology and suggest they have the potential to significantly improve leadership, strategic brand management, advertising effectiveness, production-cost savings, and sales in your business. He will also debunk some common misunderstandings and myths concerning the human brain, and the application of neuroscientific methods to marketing, strategic brand management, and product development.
This webinar will give you a detailed overview of the latest trends and challenges within neurobranding and consumer psychology. You will gain an in-depth understanding of the customer’s decision process. Bartolomeo Rafael Bialas will walk you through and explain how consumers interact with brands and companies. Managers, entrepreneurs, marketers, and strategists must constantly gather and analyze consumer insights in order to formulate and implement effective strategic solutions. In this webinar, you will learn how to understand consumer trends through neuroscientific insights.
• How customers make their buying decisions
• How emotions determine customer behavior
• Brain activity related to economic value judgments
• Brand meaning, symbols, and neuroscience
Bartolomeo Rafael Bialas (Las Vegas, USA) is an international expert on brand management and strategic thinking. He has consulted for and worked with many business and government organizations, including MGM Grand Las Vegas, Wynn Las Vegas, The Rivers Casino in Pittsburgh , Goodwill Industries International, Aldec, White Square Gallery, ING Group, RDG Advertising, Keane Creative, Nevada Governor’s Office of economic development/International Trade and diplomatic protocol, Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Los Angeles. He has been a visiting professor at various universities around the world, including Belize, Guatemala, Poland, Latvia, Portugal, USA, Slovakia. He has also lectured at the prestigious craft acting studio co-founded by the actor and Emmy Award-winner Brad Garrett.
Duration: 90 minutes
Language: English
Platform: Blackboard Collaborate
Open and free with INSCRIPTION.
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