Charla exclusiva de la cadena de hoteles Jumeirah

We invite you to participate in an exclusive talk for the UP community: the hotel chain Jumeirah will be visiting our university to share insights about the experience of working in their company. Additionally, they will provide their vision of life in the Middle East. Jumeirah is a globally recognized brand known for its excellence in the hospitality industry and for offering unparalleled experiences to its guests. If you have ever wondered what it's like to work in an organization of this magnitude and what opportunities it offers, this is your chance to find out!
The invitation is open to all students interested in exploring a career in the hotel industry and to those curious about learning more about other cultures and ways of life.
Date: August 10th
Time: 9 a.m.
Location: Larrea 1079 2° (auditorium)
Please note that the talk will be conducted in English, so it's a fantastic opportunity to practice and engage in a professional setting.