Visita del profesor Paul Gompers de Harvard Business School

La Facultad de Negocios UP invita a participar de la visita del profesor de Harvard Business School, Paul Gompers. El investigador se especializa en cuestiones financieras relacionadas con start-ups, empresas de alto crecimiento y de nueva cotización en Bolsa, así como con inversores de capital de riesgo y de capital privado.
Fecha: Martes 29 de agosto, 12:30 a 14:30 hs.
Lugar: Auditorio, Mario Bravo 1050.
Actividad en inglés y exclusiva para la comunidad UP, requiere inscripción previa, cupos limitados. Al finalizar la presentación se servirá un almuerzo informal.
Sobre el orador:
Paul Gompers
Is the Eugene Holman Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School and specializes in research on financial issues related to start-up, high growth, and newly public companies as well as venture capital and private equity investors. Professor Gompers has an appointment in both the Finance and Entrepreneurial Management areas. He received his A.B. summa cum laude in biology from Harvard College in 1987. After spending a year working as a research biochemist for Bayer Chemical AG, he attended Oxford University on a Marshall Fellowship where he received an M.Sc. in economics. He completed his Ph.D. in Business Economics at Harvard University in 1993.
He has published seven books, dozens of refereed journal articles, and over 100 business case studies. His research focuses on the structure, governance, and performance of private equity funds; sources of financing, incentive design, and performance of private firms; and long-run performance evaluation for newly public companies. His work on private equity funds has examined the relationship between general partners and their portfolio companies. Gompers has investigated factors affecting the structure, timing, and monitoring activities by the general partner and how these factors affect the success or failure of entrepreneurial firms. Similarly, he has examined the relationship between institutional investors and private equity fund managers. This work has examined a large collection of partnership agreements and examined issues of compensation, covenants and restrictions, as well as distribution policy and performance. Other research efforts examine the institutional and market factors that influence the performance of newly public companies. Much of his recent research examines the barriers to and the performance benefits of diversity in startups and venture capital. He is a Faculty Research Fellow in the National Bureau of Economic Research's Corporate Finance Program. Professor Gompers is co-founder and non-executive director of Spur Capital Partner, a venture capital fund-of-funds. He is also a board member of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Beth-Israel Deaconess Hospital, and USA Triathlon Foundation.
Advanced Introduction to Private Equity
The book, Advanced Introduction to Private Equity provides an illustrative guide to the industry, integrating insights from academic research with examples to derive practical recommendations. Paul Gompers and Steven Kaplan begin by reviewing the history of private equity then exploring the evidence on performance of private equity investments at both the portfolio company level and fund level, documenting the creation of economic value. The book then presents a set of actionable frameworks for driving value creation in private equity investments. It concludes by examining how private equity investors raise funds and how they successfully manage their private equity firms.
Actividad en inglés y exclusiva para alumnos y graduados de la Universidad de Palermo.