Workshop en inglés: Session on Happiness

La Facultad de Negocios UP invita a participar del Workshop en inglés Session on Happiness: Strategy Good Relationships, Health, & Success, a cargo del profesor e investigador de la India, Rajesh K. Pillania.
Fecha: miércoles 27 de noviembre, de 18:30 a 20:30 hs.
Modalidad: presencial en la sede Larrea 1079, CABA.
Sobre el evento:
This 90-minute session will focus on answering three questions about happiness:
1. Why do we need happiness,
2. What is happiness and
3. How to be happy
The participants will gain important knowledge and application tools for happiness based on research on happiness over the last 50 years. The focus is on the application part and making happiness a part of daily life.
Expositor: Dr. Rajesh K. Pillania, researcher and professor in India. He is a multiple award-winning researcher and a sought-after teacher, trainer and consultant in happiness, strategy, innovation and humour.
He is the leading researcher and trainer on happiness in India, popularly called India’s Happiness Professor or India’s Happiness Guru. He has written multiple columns and media articles, 14 books and reports on Happiness. These works are the first of their kind in India. His work is endorsed by many leading global thinkers, including His Holiness Dalai Lama, management legend Prof Philip Kotler, Marshall Goldsmith, the #1 Executive coach, and industry stalwarts.
Actividad libre y gratuita, requiere inscripción previa.