Robert Raszuk - El futuro de las redes WAN
Robert Raszuk expuso sobre las tecnologías de transporte en Internet.

El pasado 3 de septiembre, Robert Raszuk, uno de los máximos referentes de las tecnologías de Transporte en Internet a nivel mundial, expuso en la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Palermo.
Robert, quien es autor de varias RFC's y patentes en ruteo e ingeniería de tráfico y participa actualmente en los ietf-drafts de network programming y spring, brindó una conferencia debatiendo sobre el Futuro de las Tecnologías de Backbone.
WAN’s (R)Evolution - Robert Raszuk Ver presentación >
A perspective on history and trends in architecture of WANs
Author highlights key design principles and architecture evolution of the last over 20 years of wide area networking. The perspective of vendor's view, operator's objectives and user's experience are presented. The review of most important components of routing protocols, path protection, traffic steering are also discussed. The talk concludes with the latest deployments of modern network solutions (SD-WANs, Smart Edge Routing, SR, vRRs).
Robert graduated with Master's Degree in Faculty of Electronics from the Warsaw University of Technology in 1995. During his last year of study he already started to work in Network Engineering department at Nations Bank operating enterprise WAN cross US backbone.
As one of the project he was responsible for migration of all NB's campuses to Ethernet catalyst switches from token ring and FDDI technologies as well as all WAN (RIP based) Wellfleet routers to Cisco devices and link state IGP (1995/1997).
His further carrera led him through both customer focus and engieering/architecture roles including 14 years of Cisco Systems as Principal Eng (NSA, IOS, IOSXR), 3 years as Distingushed Engineer in Juniper Networks (RPD team), following next 3 years as DE/Cloud Architect position of NTT MCL/I3. Shortly after joining Cisco he became CCIE (#3690).
The over 3 years of focus on open source based production grade SDN projects for NTTCommunication global data centers provided great background and experience to join in 2014 Mirantis Inc. as Distinguished Eng with main role of Cloud and Network Architect in their services team.
Over the years, Robert has been the author/coauthor of more than 60 patents aw well as number of IETF RFCs and drafts. His focus has concentrated on large scale routing, mainly BGP, L3VPNs, MPLSTE, IGPs and Data Centers. He has made it as his current priority to help Service Providers to build and effectively operate their cloud infrastructures using emerging host and network virtualization tools. He currently dedicates his time to bring routing experience to data center world as well as transition traditionally deployed network based closed vendor solutions to open source based overlays to accelerate telco's service innovation velocity.