Revista Ciencia y Tecnología
Format Guidelines
Author instructions for proposed paper formatting:
The first page should only include:
Paper’s title: centered; in bold; Times New Roman font; letter size16. Uppercase and lowercase.
Subtitle, if any: in bold, Times New Roman font, letter size 14, Uppercase and lowercase.
Information about authors should not be included in the document in order to ensure anonymous evaluation. This information will be entered into the OJS system when you submit your paper.
Abstract (resumen) It should be included twice, in Spanish and in English. Each language version must contain at most 250 words. The main features of the article should be expressed here, in order to transmit an overall understanding of the paper.
Please provide at most 5 keywords (palabras clave). beneath the abstract (English) and beneath the Resumen (Spanish).
The full text should be developed in the following pages, according to these guidelines:
Format: texts in Word, in one column, without indentation, effects or special formats.
Length: between 10.000 and 25000 characters (including spaces)
Title and Subtitle: In bold
Font: Times New Roman
Font style: normal
Font size: 12pt.
Line spacing: Single- Spaced
Alignment: Justified
Paper size: A4
Margins: Top and bottom, 2.5 cm; right and left, 3 cm.
Style: use American Psychological Association (APA) publishing style.
Bibliography, references and notes: In the final section from the article, using APA citation style.
Photographs, charts and figures, must be included in tif or jpg format, in 300 dpi and in greyscale (the journal is in black and white)
Important: All photographs, charts and figures must have a caption beneath (10pt). They must also have a figure, or table number, and the article text should reference the figure using this number.
Annexes are not accepted.